Gambit Games Apps

Scrum Hero 1.2
Gambit Games
Scrum Hero makes project management fun.If your team has ever tried to manage their project but foundthe process intimidating or just a slog to use, then try ScrumHero. Created by game developers with love. We believe everydaysoftware can be just as fun to interact with as a video game. Whyshould any part of your life be boring?If you've ever thought the real world should be more like avideo game, download Scrum Hero and see what a beautiful gamelikeproduct looks like.- It Just WorksScrum Hero's feedback rich interface is simple to pick up and useby any developer.- All The Benefits, None Of The WorkHaving an instant Scrum Board means you can spend your timeconcentrating on what actually matters.- Notice Problems Before They Become A ProblemScrum Hero helps you spot what's being under estimated. Giving youa heads up to re-scope your future sprints.- Make Dependencies Visible To EveryoneDependency tracking visually points out blocked developers in theScrum Board.- Know When You Need To PivotInstant burn-up charts keep you informed of your teams work speedvs the amount of work remaining.- Your Team Is Unique, So Is Your BoardPersonalize Scrum Hero's background and music to match the style ofyour team.- Access Your Scrum Board Where It's Convenient To YouWhether it's on your phone, tablet, or computer. The full ScrumHero experience is available wherever, whenever.Check out to download this application on your PCand Mac devices!